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The heart-shaped Island Galešnjak

    The heart-shaped Island Galešnjak

    Galešnjak, Croatia

    Heart shaped island Croatia TricksForTrips




    3/10 (Not busy)


    Galešnjak is a completely uninhabited Croatian island of the Skoljici archipelago. It’s famous due to its striking heart shape. In the island there are no buildings nor kiosks, so better you bring your own food and drinks.

    The only way to get there is through a private excursion. Some companies organize daily trips in small groups, or even only for you. You can check Val Tours or Sailing Tours Egea..

    It’s a good spot If you are looking for peace, quietness and enjoy the sounds of the sea and birds. In addition to this, it’s a good place for Snorkeling and diving (some companies offer it). Boat trips around the other islets and the Pašman channel are often included.

    It’s advertised as a perfect spot for couples because of the heart shape, but it can only be seen from a plane or a drone. There are many other romantic and remote sites in Croatia.

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