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Ninska Lagoon Beach in Nin

    Ninska Lagoon Beach in Nin

    Nin, Croatia


    Ninska Lagoon Beach
    Parking (4€)

    8.25/10 (Crowded)


    Ninska Lagoon beach is a popular beach located 16 km north of Zadar. It’s actually two beaches in the form of sandbank peninsulas on both sides of a lagoon. It’s one of the most popular spots in the area. The views of the beach with the mountains in the background are beautiful.

    You can easily reach the big parking lot with any kind of vehicle, even with a Fiat Punto. The parking costs 4€ (if you go in low season, the parking will be free).

    The grayish brown but fine sand beach. Some areas are pebbly. The water is quite murky due to the muddy banks of the lagoon. It’s very shallow water, so kids can play around safely. The first few meters from the shore are pebbly but it turns sandy afterwards.

    Shade is scarce, only created by some pine trees in a small spot near the parking lot. It has a rocky-pebble slope.

    Behind the beach there is the peloid mud that you can smear yourself with. It is believed that it’s good for the skin. The smell stays after a wash, so don’t wear your brand new swimsuits.

    It’s usually very windy, so some aquatic sports such as kitesurfing or windsurfing are often practiced there. You will find several schools in case you want to take a lesson. On the contrary, it’s obviously not the snorkeling spot .

    There is a bar where you can buy food (burgers, hot-dogs, frites, creps, ice creams…) and drinks. You will also find WC, showers and dressing cabins. In addition to this, you can rent sunbeds and umbrellas.

    During the high season it’s very crowded. Queues at the kiosk are often long, finding shade is almost impossible and the beach is not as clean as it should be.

    The beach is nice, but quite touristy. Unlike most Croatian beaches, the color of the water itself is not the asset of this place, but rather the views of it and the mountains in the background.

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