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Sakarun Beach in Dugi Otok

    Sakarun Beach in Dugi Otok

    Dugi Otok, Croatia

    Sakarun beach Croatia TricksForTrips


    Sakarun Beach

    5/10 (Not very busy)


    Sakarun Beach is the most popular beach of Zadar’s area, and it’s one of the most picturesque beaches of Croatia. It’s located in Dugi island, the biggest one of the archipelago.

    The left side of the beach is covered mainly by pebbles, while the right side is composed of fine white sand. The shore is 1 km long. Although it’s surrounded by pine trees, there is almost no shade on the beach itself.

    The bay is sheltered from the wind and waves so the sea looks like a giant swimming pool. The bottom is made of white sand and there are some seagrass meadows as well. As a result, the water is crystal clear. This leads to a great visibility, up to 30 meters. However, as the bottom is mainly sandy, you will scarcely find any underwater life away from the seagrass. The slope is very gentle, so the little ones can play around in the shallow sea and in the sand safely.

    The roads are good. The last one is a dirt road, but you can easily make it even with a Fiat Punto. If you check the satellite view with Google Maps, you will see two roads that reach the beach from the main road. You can take any of them and you will get in an area where you can leave the car. If you don’t have a car, you can take a bus from the harbor (its schedule normally matches the boat arrivals from Zadar).

    On the beach there are a couple of kiosks where you can buy some food and drinks. You can also find lockers, showers and free toilets. Despite this, the remote location of this beach preserves it from mass tourism and its natural beauty is untouched.

    As we have mentioned before, it’s one of the most popular beaches in Croatia. Some excursions are organized from Zadar. Normally they make the route Blue Lagoon - Sakarun or Kornati - Sakarun, so we strongly recommend visiting the beach early in the morning (before 11) to avoid the crowds.

    • Sakarun beach Croatia TricksForTrips

    The beach is really beautiful, and the island has many interesting spots such as Golubinka’s cave, Telascica Natural park or Dragon’s eye. You shouldn’t miss it if you are around!

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    2 comentarios en «Sakarun Beach en Dugi Otok»

      1. Hi Memento,

        The «tricks» as well as the media content are created by the TricksForTrips team, always by visiting the locations personally.

        Thanks for your words, if you have any question, we would gladly try to help you.

        TricksForTrips team.

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