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Porto Limnionas beach in Zakynthos

    Porto Limnionas beach in Zakynthos

    Zakynthos, Greece

    Porto Limnionas TricksFortips - Zakynthos


    Porto Limnionas
    Parking (Free)

    7.25 (Concurrencia muy alta)


    Porto Limnionas is a bay (fjord-shaped) located on the west coast of Zakynthos. It stands out for its crystal clear waters and the numerous sea caves in the surrounding area.

    Porto Limnionas Zante - TricksForTrips

    How to get there

    It’s located about 45 minutes by car from Zakynthos Town and only 2 km from Porto Roxa. The roads are good, only in the last 10 minutes it becomes narrower and more winding. However, they are perfectly paved, so driving with a bit of caution should not pose any problems.

    There is a parking lot quite large parking area where you can leave your car right next to the restaurant (here).

    Porto Limnionas parking lot Zakynthos - TricksForTrips

    Porto Limnionas

    Once you arrive at the location, you will need to go down some stairs until you reach an area with several cement platforms where you can sit (there is no sand).

    The water is crystal clear, ideal for swimming. The access is easy through some rocks, although wearing x water shoes will make it easier. Moreover, despite the marine life not being remarkable, we recommend bringing a snorkel mask to explore the rock formations and the countless caves you will see around, especially in the neighboring bay (here).

    Porto Limnionas Zante caves - TricksForTrips
    Porto Limnionas Zante - TricksForTrips

    There is a Greek tavern with reasonable prices and quite beautiful views from the terrace . It also has a sunbed area (2 for €15). Similarly, you will find a diving center where you can have an introductory dive or rent a SUP (book in advance). Both are only open during the summer season.

    Porto Limnionas sunbeds Zakynthos - TricksForTrips

    It is quite a well-known place, so during the high season it can be a bit overwhelming. If you don't find space in the parking lot , you'll have to park on the side of the road. If you want to avoid the crowds , we recommend going on a weekday before 11 AM or after 6 PM.

    It is a good place to swim and explore the caves, however, it is the most touristy bay.

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