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Katholiko monastery in Crete

    Katholiko monastery in Crete

    Crete, Greece

    Katholiko monastery Crete - TricksForTrips


    Katholiko Monastery
    Parking (Free)
    30' (one way)
    3/10 (Not busy)


    Katholiko Monastery is located north of Chania on the Akrotiri Peninsula. It is one of the oldest monasteries in Crete, believed to have been founded in the 6th century AD by a Christian hermit named John.

    It lies in a remote gorge surrounded by cliffs (exactly here), so to reach it, you have no choice but to descend half of the ravine on foot.

    You can leave your car at the Gouverneto Monastery (here), pay 2.5€ for the entrance, and start the descent to Katholiko. The path is well-marked, although it is somewhat demanding due to the steep incline and the large number of stairs (especially on the way back).

    After about 15 minutes of descent, you will come across the Arkoudospilio Cave (here), where our friend John is said to have lived. It's quite large, and inside you'll find a kind of sculpture of a bear. According to a local myth, along with some monks, a bear lived in the cave and drank all the water dripping from the stalactites. The monks prayed to the Virgin Mary, and she petrified the bear, turning it into rock.

    Arkoudospilio cave in Katholiko Crete - TricksForTrips
    Arkoudospilio cave in Katholiko - TricksForTrips

    Getting to the monastery will take you a total of about 30 minutes. It's completely in ruins, so unlike the Gouverneto Monastery, you won't find any monks here. Despite this, you can explore the rooms and corridors and investigate a bit on your own.

    Beyond the monastery, about a 20-minute walk away, you'll find Katholiko Bay. Here, you can enjoy a refreshing swim in its clear waters. We recommend bringing water shoes, as the ground is rocky and they will help you enter and exit the water more easily.

    Katholiko bay Crete - TricksForTrips

    During spring/summer, you can see dark purple flowerscalled Dracunculus vulgaris. They have an unpleasant appearance and smell, especially when they bloom.

    Dracunculus vulgaris in Katholiko monastery Crete - TricksForTrips

    The hike is worth it; it's not a touristy spot, and the views are very beautiful.

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